Masters of Survival

On Freeze-Resistant Fish, Radiation-Resistant Tardigrades, and Self-Healing Amphibians

  • A book about the almost unbelievable variety of living creatures and the superpowers of the animal kingdom
  • Complete English text available
  • Beautifully illustrated by Kat Menschik

translated by: Stefan Widdess

There are animals that can survive in ice, change sex, are unaffected by radioactivity, hardly age, or can replace entire limbs. Is there something we can learn from these animal superheroes?

Naked mole rats race through their tunnels like bumper cars that don’t have right of way. And yet these apparently reckless hooligans have an impressively sophisticated social structure in which everything is shared. Giraffes have incredibly high blood pressure, but no cardiovascular damage. Nightingales can memorize over 200 songs, and tardigrades would even survive in space.

Russ Hodge writes about muscular female mole fighters, messy bachelor mole fighters, and their non-binary conspecifics. Along the way, he also explains the complex biology of sex and what we can learn from it to fix some of the world’s problems. Often the top scientists researching these animals are just as strange as the objects of their study – which is hardly surprising considering that you have to learn the ancient art of catching moles in Spain before you can do this research.

Kat Menschik showcases each of these zoological masters of survival in beautiful illustrations, turning even the futuristic-looking tardigrade into a star.

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  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Translated by: Stefan Widdess
  • Release: 10.10.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-309-0
  • 240 Pages
  • Authors: Kat MenschikRuss Hodge
  • Illustrated by:: Kat Menschik
Masters of Survival
Kat Menschik Russ Hodge Masters of Survival
Kat Menschik
© Kat Menschik
Kat Menschik

Kat Menschik is an illustrator who has always had a weakness for scientific texts that explain things well and for the strangest animals. 

Kat Menschik
© Kat Menschik
Russ Hodge

Russ Hodge is an author at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin where he presents what his colleagues have discovered over the course of years of often painstakingly meticulous work to the public clearly and vividly.

Further Titles

Volker KutscherKat Menschik


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