A poetic, beautifully-illustrated story full of gentle humor about an old fieldstone house that refuses to part with its owner ...
There are people who not only live in a house, but are magically attracted by its peculiarities. They want to know the house's history. They want to find out when it was built and who lived in it before. For them, a house is a mysterious being that does not open up to everyone.
The narrator of this story feels the same way when she moves into a lonely little fieldstone house in the countryside. While the gruff village community ridicules her for her ramshackle hovel, she starts bringing the 140-year-old house back to life - from the attic to the vaulted cellar, from the overgrown vegetable garden to the ancient fruit trees.
But now and then there comes a time when you want to set off for new shores: After ten years, the narrator decides to sell her house. However, she is forced to realize that ending a relationship with a home is not so easy. When prospective buyers come to view it, the house starts behaving in an unexpectedly unruly and strange way...