A Short History of Nuclear Folly

Complete English translation available

In the spirit of Dr. Strangelove and The Atomic Café, a blackly sardonic people’s history of atomic blunders and near-misses revealing the hushed-up and forgotten episodes in which the great powers gambled with catastrophe

Rudolph Herzog, the acclaimed author of Dead Funny, presents a devastating account of history’s most irresponsible uses of nuclear technology. From the rarely-discussed nightmare of “Broken Arrows” (40 nuclear weapons lost during the Cold War) to “Operation Plowshare” (a proposal to use nuclear bombs for large engineering projects, such as a the construction of a second Panama Canal using 300 H-Bombs), Herzog focuses in on long-forgotten nuclear projects that nearly led to disaster.

In an unprecedented people’s history, Herzog digs deep into archives, interviews nuclear scientists, and collects dozens of rare photos. He explores the “accidental” drop of a Nagasaki-type bomb on a train conductor’s home, the implanting of plutonium into patients’ hearts, and the invention of wild tactical nukes, including weapons designed to kill enemy astronauts.

Told in a riveting narrative voice, Herzog – the son of filmmaker Werner Herzog – also draws on childhood memories of the final period of the Cold War in Germany, the country once seen as the nuclear battleground for NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries, and discusses evidence that Nazi scientists knew how to make atomic weaponry . . . and chose not to.

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USA: Melville House

  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 12.03.2012
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-054-9
  • 256 Pages
  • Author: Rudolph Herzog
A Short History of Nuclear Folly
Rudolph Herzog A Short History of Nuclear Folly
David Biene
© David Biene
Rudolph Herzog

Rudolph Herzog ist Autor und Regisseur und machte sich mit seiner Serie The Heist (2004) international einen Namen. Seither drehte er über ein Dutzend Dokumentarfilme für ARD, ZDF, arte, National Geographic und BBC. Die von ihm entwickelte Dokumentation The White Diamond wurde von seinem Vater Werner Herzog realisiert und von Time zum Film des Jahres gekürt. Bei Galiani Berlin erschienen sein Sachbuch Der verstrahlte Westernheld und anderer Irrsinn aus dem Atomzeitalter (2012) und der Erzählband Truggestalten (2017). Außerdem legte Kiepenheuer & Witsch 2018 seinen internationalen Bestseller Heil Hitler, das Schwein ist tot! als Taschenbuch neu auf. 

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