Germans and Humour - History of a Hostile Relationship

Jakob Hein and Jürgen Witte have had enough: A fiery plea for humor in art and literature to finally be taken seriously!

Are Germans ashamed of their humor or do they really have that little to laugh about? Has anyone ever heard of a funny novel winning either the Georg Büchner Prize or the German Book Prize? Why can’t we admit that works that make people laugh touch on the mysteries of our existence at least as authentically as serious art does? And: has it always been this way?

Jakob Hein and Jürgen Witte investigate a phenomenon—namely, German society’s consistent disdain for humorous art. Their exploration takes them through the world of literature as well as movies, television and cabarets; they interview philosophers, literary figures and experts on humor. And they look inwards: Is there such a thing as good and bad humor? Is laughter different in the East than in the West? What’s the difference between men and women’s humor?

“This book has a place of honor on my bedside table. It’s nice to see Jakob Hein reach an age where he’s finally ready to dedicate himself to problematic, hopelessly dark topics. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his shoes while writing this book. Chapeau! And many thanks.” Kurt Krömer

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  • Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch eBook
  • Release: 15.08.2013
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-30753-5
  • 176 Pages
  • Authors: Jakob HeinJürgen Witte
Deutsche und Humor
Jakob Hein Jürgen Witte Deutsche und Humor
Urban Zintel
© Urban Zintel
Jakob Hein

Jakob Hein , born in 1971, works as a psychiatrist and has published numerous books. His book Hypochondriacs Live Longer (2020) stayed on the SPIEGEL bestseller list for several weeks. His latest novel The Hypnotist  was published in 2022.

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Jürgen Witte

Jürgen Witte , born in Karlsruhe in 1956, has been living in (West) Berlin since 1979. He is a writer, occasional journalist and editor of the literary journal Salbader. Jürgen Witte is one of the founders of the “Reformbühne Heim & Welt” and the weekly Sunday afternoon “Frühschoppen” (with Horst Evers, among others), both venues for readings.