The World Reporter

A Novel in Twelve Trips

  • English sample translation by David Burnett available 

A novel about the power of storytelling, fact and fiction, real countries of milk and honey and false paradises, about love and death - as if Stanislaw Lem, P. G. Wodehouse, Arno Schmidt, and Wolf Haas had written a book together.

Truth be told, Julia Bacharach didn’t really want to fall in love at all right now. Not in an almost empty hotel bar – and definitely not with a guy like Bodo von Unruh. But she’s open-minded and curious, and he’s traveling around the world for a magazine, researching stories that are more mind-expanding than the best drugs.

There’s a reportage, for example, about a legendary, invitation-only restaurant that offers completely new taste sensations, but only if you first sign a contract agreeing to blindly follow the staff’s instructions, no matter what; or a long-forgotten city in Siberia, completely cybernetically controlled, where only decisions that are best for the common good are made; or about descendants of the Bavarian Soviet Republic who are living out their anarchist ideals in the Brazilian jungle; and on and on. Over time, Julia starts noticing that something is off about Bodo. But, for the longest time, he manages to keep her under his spell with his grandiose stories.


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  • Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
  • Release: 11.02.2021
  • ISBN: 978-3-86971-235-2
  • 352 Pages
  • Author: Hannes Stein
The World Reporter
Hannes Stein The World Reporter
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Hannes Stein

Hannes Stein , geboren 1965 in München, aufgewachsen in Salzburg, lebt jetzt als Korrespondent für die Welt in New York. Er schrieb für die FAZ und den Spiegel. Im Sommer 2007 ist er nach Amerika ausgewandert. Bei Galiani Berlin erschienen von ihm die Romane »Der Komet« (2013), »Nach uns die Pinguine« (2017) und »Der Weltreporter«. Hannes Stein bloggt bei den Salonkolumnisten und ist Mitglied des amerikanischen PEN-Clubs.

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